The All-Consuming Power of Passion

This shoot was taken of my long time best friend Elysse. We have a great time collaborating on weird art projects and she always down to let me paint her and try out new ideas on her. For this one we wanted the paint on her to express some sort of emotion or bring about a certain feeling when looked at. As I was editing these photos I started to feel like the colors on my chest were popping out of my very own. I couldn’t place the emotion I was feeling, but I knew I had felt it before. It wasn’t till I looked at the full finished set that I realized these photos perfectly explained the feeling I get in my chest when I am working on something I am passionate about. The satisfied and energized burst of excitement you get when you are passionate about something is unlike any other emotion. My wish for this world is that everyone be able to experience that passion about something on a regular basis in their lives. Overall, this was one of the most fun shoots I have done in a long time.









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